Aeronca UK on-line!

Welcome to the Aeronca Club of Great Britain's web site! If you own an Aeronca aeroplane, or just love them, this is the site for you (in fact, as we are discovering, it's one of many!). We have included links to other Aeronca sites, mainly in the US. We'll probably come across other links in the fullness of time.

Email us here if you:

*Come across any useful or interesting links
*Want to advertise Aeronca-related items, from whole aeroplanes to bits or services
*Want to share anything else with like-minded Aeroncaphiles.

Email contact details are at the foot of the page: Pete White's address is printed in the newsletter or available on request by email.

Enjoy your visit!

What's New?

30th June 2000 A new look! What do you think?
15th June 2000

New photos added: photo pages reorganised.
Articles and Marketplace pages removed due to serious shortage of articles and items for sale! Should any of either materialise, these pages will be reinstated.

Please be patient ... there's still a lot to do to this site and it may disappear for an hour or two over the next month or so. Thanks!!!

Contacting Us

Secretary: Pete White

Webmaster: Bob Swan
Telephone: 01242 254431