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RTTS 2006 - Run To The Sun is a classic show for Bajas and Buggies. There weren't many Buggies around this year, but we got a line-up of 4 Bajas. All the Bajas got plenty of attention during the day, with other VW owners and the general public all taking a look. Click on a photo to see a bigger version.
Big Bang 2006 - This show is relatively early in the year, but while most people were still preping their cars for shows later in the year Bill and Dave did us proud and showed off their Bajas. Click on a photo to see a bigger version.

BugJam 2005 - Despite horrible weather we got 10 Bajas together for the BugJam show and shine. This is the most Bajas that the show and shine has probably ever seen, and the organisers said they were very pleased that we made the effort. They said that we are welcome to do the same this year. Click on a photo to see a bigger version.

Past lineups:

Show Participants

RTTS 2006

Seth, Bill, Stumpy, Charlie
Big Bang 2006 Bill, Dave
BugJam 2005 the messiah, unknown1303, Seth, Bill, baja63, Dave, Jack, Rob, unknownGrey, mickB(akanogovws)
Click on the name of a participant to see a photo of their Baja at the show.

All content © 2006 - BAJA NUTS